By 'soul' I mean the eternal
supernatural entity that supposedly resides in a physical body and
continues to live on even after the physical body is dead. The soul is
also supposed to be able to exist independent of the physical body
and even take up residence in a different body when its current home
crumbles to dust. This entity is also supposedly responsible for our
sense of morals, our conscience and self-awareness.
Now the question is, “Does the soul
really exist?”
At this point, it is necessary to state
that there is no scientific evidence for the soul. The supposed
experiment, where some dude weighed a person on their deathbed and
noticed half a pound of weight-loss when they died, has been debunked
as a fraud. Moreover the soul is not a physical entity and hence
cannot be expected to show physical evidence of its existence.
Now to prove that the soul exists, we
must resort to the non-physical evidence. For example, the human body
is known to continually replace old cells with new ones. This means
that after a few years, our bodies are almost completely different
from the ones that we were born with as almost all the cells in our
previous body have been replaced with new ones. Yet, we do still
retain the same identity. We still feel like the same person. Is this
because our soul has not been replaced like the rest of us?
The key word here is 'almost'. Our
bodies are 'almost' completely new. You see, most of the neurons in the brain
are not replaced. These cells cannot be regenerated and hence remain
with us throughout our lives. Coincidentally, it is these neurons
that store our memories and are responsible for our decision making
and other brain functions. And our identities are nothing but complex
functions of our memories and our DNA. In fact, when we do lose these neurons, we also lose memory and we are said to suffer from
Alzheimer’s. It is common for Alzheimer’s patients to lose their
identities. They continue to remain alive, but no longer recognize
themselves. Have they lost their souls?
If not our identities, perhaps our
morals come from our souls. If so, souls being eternal entities, must
have absolute morals. Our morals should not be subject to change, but
they are. As humanity as a species ages, the moral values of entire
cultures have changed and evolved. Even our personal morals change as
we age and experience different events. This leads me to conclude
that our moral values are nothing but a function of our experiences.
In fact, if we look at it objectively, our moral values tend to
maximize survival and happiness and minimize suffering. This is
nothing but the most basic survival instinct that every animal in the
wild has. We may have added many abstract layers to the animal
instinct in us, but it continues to be the core of our moral system.
It is a byproduct of evolution and not derived by any supernatural
means. Hence, our morals are not evidence for the existence of a soul.
Now that we cannot find any logical
evidence, let us entertain the possibility that we might not have
souls, that we are nothing but physical bodies with no immortal
components. Does this pose any problems? Other than a small dent in
our egos that would like to live on forever, this does not cause any
problems as we don't need souls for maintaining our identities or
moral values.
Now just as a thought experiment, let
us disregard evidence and assume that we have souls. Does this pose
any problems? This throws up a lot of confusing and contradictory
questions. Do all living things have souls? Even bacteria? Are their
souls inferior to ours? Does every cell in our body have a separate
soul? When does the soul start living in a body? Is it once the child
is born or is it at the moment of conception? What about viruses?
They are alive when inside a host cell, but dead when outside. When
they get inside another host, they come alive again. Do they have
souls? Do their souls take vacations?
Assuming that a soul exists causes a
lot of unnecessary confusion.
So here are the salient points:
- No physical evidence for the soul.
- No logical reason or evidence for the soul as it is not necessary for identity or morals.
- Assuming the existence of the soul causes more problems than it solves.
The first and second points should be
enough for any rational person to conclude that the soul does not
exist. The third point shows that there is no benefit even if one
decides to be irrational about it.
Hey Sandy,
Long time. Reading your post after 2 yrs. i guess. Nice post indeed. Superficial things defy logic. So, i think it's the 3rd point that people should concentrate on. Is it really necessary?? :P
Hey Ashish,
glad to know you are still reading!
Supernatural things do defy logic, that's why I don't believe in them. I included the 3rd point just for those people who are 'open-minded' enough to think beyond logic.
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